Basement Waterproofing Tips


Waterproofing your basement is important to prevent water seepage from ruining your home. Seepage can turn into more water coming in and eventually flooding can occur. Basement seepage occurs when you have too much water seeping into the ground near your foundation and it finds a way into the tiny cracks and crevices of your basement foundation walls. As your home ages and the ground next to the house settles, it can eventually lead to this type of damage.

21 July 2022

Keep Your HVAC System Running Smoothly This Summer


When the summer heat rolls in, you rely on your HVAC system to keep you comfortable. On the hottest of days, your air conditioner probably works overtime to keep you cool. And on the more moderate days, you may still use the fan to circulate air. With all of these demands on your HVAC system, it will require some care and attention from you. Here are some ways to keep it running smoothly this summer.

14 July 2022

4 Instances When You Should Schedule Sewer Repair Services


Your sewer line is one component of your home that you likely don't think about very often. As long as it's working properly, everything else in your home can function as normal. However, when there's a problem with your system, it can quickly become a major issue. There are a few different instances when you should schedule sewer repair services to have the problem fixed as soon as possible. This includes if you notice any of the following problems.

5 July 2022

4 Ways You Can Benefit From Professional Water Heater Installation Services


Most people don't think about their water heater until it breaks. By that time, it's often too late. The appliances are essential for keeping your home comfortable and your water warm, so it's important to make sure you have a reliable one installed. If you're in the market for a new unit, or if your current one needs replacement, consider hiring a professional water heater installation service. Here are four reasons why you should do just that:

28 June 2022

Causes And Significance Of Discolored Water


Discolored water might or might not represent a plumbing problem in your house. Multiple things can discolor your water problem, some more serious than others. Below are some of the potential reasons and significance of discolored domestic water. Corrosion Metal is a common material in water pipes and plumbing appliances. Examples include steel, copper, and cast iron. Old plumbing systems may contain metals that are uncommon today. Some metals corrode over time.

10 June 2022

5 Questions You Need To Ask An Emergency Plumbing Service


Sometimes you just can't wait to get a water problem fixed, for example, when the toilet is spilling over. An emergency plumbing service becomes very handy in such situations. But while you need services in a hurry, it's important to do things the right way. Here are five questions you should ask an emergency plumbing service before they start work on a plumbing problem in your home. 1. How Long Will It Take You To Get Here?

10 June 2022

Lining Your Sewer Pipe


Ensuring that the sewer line to your home stays in good condition can be important for reducing the likelihood of there being significant plumbing issues for the home. The installation of a pipe lining can be one option that can be a practical upgrade to make. Pipe Linings Can Substantially Increase The Durability Of Your Sewer Line An important benefit of adding a lining to your sewer pipe is that it can increase the durability of this part of the plumbing.

6 June 2022

Is My Well Pump Malfunctioning? Here Are Signs You Need Repair Service


Well pumps play a vital role in many homes by ensuring that the residence has a constant clean water supply. But just like other pieces of equipment, water well pumps can malfunction unexpectedly or show signs of going bad.  If you are keen and notice the signs, you can get the pump repaired before it stops working. This will not only reduce your repair costs but also ensure you don't face major water issues in your home.

23 May 2022

4 Types Of Water Heaters You Can Buy Based On Fuel Types


There are many types of water heaters depending on their fuel type, energy efficiency, and price. If you're looking for a new water heater installation, you might get overwhelmed by the available choices. This guide will help you understand the types of water heaters and how each works based on fuel types. 1. Electric Immersion Water Heaters Immersion water heaters get powered by electricity and use an electric element to heat water.

16 May 2022

Why Plumbers Love PEX Pipes


If you have pipes installed in a new home, or even if you have a current home re-piped, there is a good chance your plumber will recommend using a material called PEX for the job. PEX is short for cross-linked polyethylene. It's a specific type of plastic that has been used, with increasing frequency, to plumb homes. But why use PEX? Here are a few of the key reasons. PEX is flexible.

3 May 2022