Three Crucial Steps To Take For Effective Drain Field Restoration


A failing residential drain field or leach drain can halt wastewater drainage and expose households to untreated sewage. Prompt restoration measures can restore the drainage capabilities of the drain field to facilitate safe and effective wastewater treatment and drainage. Since drain field failure can occur due to various issues, it's essential to tackle all problem areas to avoid future failure. Below are three crucial steps to follow during the restoration to create a long-term solution to your sewer problems.

Check the Size of the Drain Field and Septic Tank

One of the major causes of a drain field failure is improper sizing of the system. A septic system should be sized to handle the wastewater from the building without overflowing. If the tank is too small, it will fill up fast and send more effluent to the leach drain. If the drain field is equally small, it won't be able to handle all the effluent. The result will be a sewer overflow on your property.

Before beginning restoration work, check the size of the leach field and septic tank. Assess your home's water usage to determine whether the capacity has changed in the last few years. If you are using more water than you did when installing the septic system, replace the tank with a bigger one. You can also install more sewer pipes and extend the leach drain over a larger area for optimal effluent drainage.

Install a Tree Root Barrier

Invasive tree roots can cause problems for septic leach fields. Deep roots grow towards the effluent-soaked soil to look for water and nutrients, and in the process, they block the perforated sewer pipes. Severe pipe blockage lowers the drainage capabilities of the drain field and causes an overflow. To avoid tree root invasion, you will want a barrier around the leach drain.

A tree root barrier is an underground barrier made of plastic sheets, fabric, or fiberglass. You should install the barrier deep in the ground, preferably on top of solid rock, to prevent deep-rooted plants from growing under it. Alternatively, cut down or relocate trees with deep roots to prevent an invasion. 

Re-Assess Your Choice of Drain Field Vegetation

Although growing plants above the sewer pipes isn't a bad idea, it can be problematic in the long run. If your failing leach drain has plants growing on it, you should re-evaluate your choice of vegetation. Deep-rooted plants grow deep into the soil and invade the sewer pipes, causing blockages. If you have to plant over the drain field, go for shallow-rooted vegetation to prevent pipe blockage.

As you work on your drain field restoration, include the above procedures in the restoration process to prevent future failure. Work with a sewer contractor to achieve an efficient and durable septic leach field.


26 April 2022

Plumbing Has Transformed Our Lives

Think about how different your life would be without plumbing. To get water, you would have to walk outside and pull it up from a well. To use the bathroom, you would have to venture out to an outhouse, which would certainly not be pleasant in the winter. We really have to thank plumbers for the work that they do, since it allows us all to stay comfortable and do our business inside of our homes. Life has been transformed, in so many ways, by the plumbing profession. Join us in honoring plumbers by reading the articles on this website.