Why Aren'T Concrete Septic Tanks Outdated?


If you're upgrading your home's septic system, you might be looking for the latest and greatest technology to keep your system reliable, clean, and efficient. If you have an older septic system in your home, you probably have a concrete tank. While concrete might not seem like high technology, concrete septic tanks are anything but outdated.

However, you've probably noticed that you have other options, including plastic, fiberglass, and steel. While these tanks offer advantages, concrete remains the material of choice for many homes. Keep reading to learn why you should consider concrete for your home's septic tank, even if newer options exist.

The Advantages of Using Concrete

There's a reason you can still find so many old concrete septic tanks at houses across the US: concrete is an inherently durable and long-lasting material. A concrete tank can last upwards of 40 years, and older systems may still be in service in many places. These tanks can last so long that it's unlikely you'll ever need to replace one more than once.

Concrete is also a well-understood material, and many contractors have a significant amount of experience working with it. As a result, you can often expect concrete installations to go more smoothly and quickly. The high durability of concrete tanks also means there's a very low likelihood of mistakes or damage during the installation process.

Local regulations are another consideration. Some municipalities may not allow plastic tanks since they can leach chemicals into the ground, and other areas may simply have outdated regulations that disallow other materials. On the other hand, you'll seldom face unexpected building code issues when installing a concrete tank.

The Reasons to Consider Alternatives

Despite their advantages, you may still need to consider alternatives in some cases. For modern septic installations, you'll usually be looking at either fiberglass or plastic. Both tank options have similar advantages, including lower costs and more straightforward transportation. Some of these tanks are so light that two people can easily carry them.

Accessibility is often one of the primary reasons that people choose alternatives. Concrete tanks require heavy equipment to transport and install, making them a challenging option for sites with limited accessibility. In these cases, you'll often need to consider an alternative material that's easier to move onto the site.

The Best Option For Your Home

The best material for your new septic tank depends entirely on your budget, your home's location, and your specific needs. A plumber with septic tank installation experience can help navigate your options and select the best one. Just remember that newer materials aren't necessarily better, and you should consider each option based on what makes the most sense for your home. 


13 January 2022

Plumbing Has Transformed Our Lives

Think about how different your life would be without plumbing. To get water, you would have to walk outside and pull it up from a well. To use the bathroom, you would have to venture out to an outhouse, which would certainly not be pleasant in the winter. We really have to thank plumbers for the work that they do, since it allows us all to stay comfortable and do our business inside of our homes. Life has been transformed, in so many ways, by the plumbing profession. Join us in honoring plumbers by reading the articles on this website.